• Sunday Crèche For 0 – 2 Year Olds

    Each Sunday we want parents to be able to engage with God through worship and listening to his word. To enable this, our crèche provides childcare for babies and young children for the duration of the service. Each week there are toys to play with, songs to enjoy and a drink with a biscuit.

    You are invited to settle your child in the crèche from 16:50. Please collect your child promptly at the end of the service.

    The crèche is organised by creche@christchurch-heiloo.nl

  • Sunday JAM For 3 – 6 Year Olds

    JAM is a fun group for 3 to 6 years olds which introduces them to Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments. Our current curriculum uses The Beginners Bible to introduce children to key stories from the Old and New Testaments. Sessions include songs to sing, time to play, a craft activity and a snack to enjoy.

    You are invited to settle your child in the JAM group from 16:50 before the service begins. Please collect your child promptly at the end of the service.


  • Sunday SLAM for 7 – 12 year olds

    SLAM is the children’s ministry group for children aged 7 – 12.  It meets during the service each week except when there is a Discovery! Service.

    What happens when SLAM meets?

    Sharing – with one another about what it means to follow Jesus daily
    Learning – from God’s Word
    More – singing, praying, games, crafts and friendship

    During January – March 2019, the weekly SLAM sessions will focus on Understanding The Kingdom of God from Matthew’s Gospel. The series will cover a number of Jesus’ parables about the kingdom and teaching on what it means to live as part of God’s kingdom.

    Come and join us on Sunday and experience SLAM for yourself!

    If you have questions about the SLAM ministry please contact slam@christchurch-heiloo.nl